Early Intervention

The Early Intervention program is a free service for children with developmental delays. Services are provided in a variety of formats, including physical therapy, speech-language therapy, and assistive technology. Early intervention services also provide help for babies with low birth weight or medical needs.

The Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) is a document that outlines the early intervention services that your child will receive. Your service coordinator will meet with you and your family to create the plan. It describes the services your child will receive, who will deliver them, and when. You will review the plan with your service coordinator every six months.

The IFSP also explains the best way to help your child with early intervention. A service coordinator will work with your family to provide the highest quality early intervention services. This includes arranging evaluation appointments, introducing you to IFSP, and helping you through the next steps.

Assessing Whether or Not Your Child is Ready for Speech Therapy

Other members of the team include early educators who learn to be involved in your child’s development. They may become familiar with some of your child’s challenges, or they may seek out training.

Early Intervention Programs are offered across the country, and each state has its own eligibility requirements. However, most states require that a child show a certain level of development before they are considered eligible for services.

Using an IFSP can be a great way to start building a stronger bond between you and your child. Often, parents worry when their baby or toddler is developing slowly, or at all. In some cases, children only require a short term intervention to address a temporary delay in development.