Playground Resurfacing

Playground Resurfacing is one of the most important things you can do to keep your playground safe and kids happy. A good surface will cushion a fall and help prevent minor injuries from turning into serious ones. It also creates a visually appealing setting that fosters imagination and socialization among kids.

But not all surfacing options are created equal. It’s essential to select a surfacing material that will stand the test of time and use, and is field-tested and installed by professionals for a high-quality result. In addition to safety, other key considerations include cost, drainage and impact attenuation.

Longevity Matters: How Proper Maintenance Extends the Life of Your Playground Surface

The most common surfacing materials for playgrounds are rubber tiles and PIP (poured-in-place) surfaces. These options are often considered best for their longevity and durability, as well as their lower maintenance costs. They are ideal for indoor and outdoor playgrounds, as well as spray parks, pools and splash pads.

Loose-fill surfacing is another popular option, but it is important to note that it requires weekly maintenance. According to KABOOM!, a national non-profit focused on bringing play to all kids, this level of regular maintenance can run as high as $6,000 per year in some schools. Additionally, loose-fill surfacing must be replaced regularly as it erodes and thins. If you have the budget for it, a loose-fill surface that can be easily raked and replenished is an excellent choice. This can include engineered wood fiber, rubber nuggets or even recycled playground mulch. Synthetic turf is an alternative that offers a more natural appearance and maintains cooler surface temperatures. It also meets ADA and ASTM requirements for fall height, and can be designed with different color and style options to create designated areas.